


V-Day Gift List by pemora

In my haste/oversight/laziness, I neglected to post a holiday wishlist for the dudes.  My bad.  Visions of chocolate-flavored coquito, pasteles and paella distracted me from the blog.  15,000 calories later and I'm back....just in time for Valentine's Day!

So, ladies + gents, what follows is a wishlist of sorts for that special guy in your life.  Most likely your baby daddy, but it could be a husband, boyfriend, jump off, or the boy you stalk on Twitter.  Whatever.  I don't judge.

**By the way, if you ARE buying a gift for your baby daddy, make sure that his child support check is in the mail.  And if you ARE buying a gift for the boy you stalk, well, good luck.  That's all on you.**

Urban Outfitters
Compost Cookie via Momofuku
Fred Flare

1 comment:

  1. hilarious... i already know what i'm gettin my man.

    miss you.



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