


Giving Thanks....by pemora

This is sappy, so if you are one of my snarky friends, stop reading now (you know who you are)...

I have been thinking a lot about what I am thankful for this year. As usual, I am thankful for family + friends, the many jokes I share with people, having a job, a roof over my head. But, this year? The best way I can share with you what I am thankful for is this pic...

No, I am not thankful for shoes, although shoes totally rock. I am thankful for the wearers of each of these shoes.

The newbie: even though she is only 6 months old, I can't imagine our family without her. She has the biggest smile, never cries, and is just a nugget of joy. Even when she is pooping. Okay, maybe not, but that is what I tell myself when I'm gasping for air.

The big boy: my first. My heart. It is amazing to see his personality + humor develop. Even if part of that humor is farting in my face. Boys.

The baby daddy: he works so hard to support us. I adore him. We are going on 12 years together. Marriage is hard work but I am grateful to be in this partnership.

Me: I am thankful for having a healthy body, that allows me to care and cherish and love these 3 people.

This is what I will have in mind on Thursday. And all the other days. What are you thankful for?


  1. This is such a lovely way to represent your family. What a good reminder of what and who is most important to us.

  2. cute pic......you guys are super cute.

  3. Cute post. Love the bit about your son farting in your face! I know that all too well. And ps. She never cries?!


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